This picture of little Miss "J" reminds me of a photo you may find on a greeting card and I though it was perfect for this post. Here it goes...it might be a novel:
Earlier this week my beautiful sister had surgery on a anyurism (sp?) they found in her brain and thank GOD they were were able to coil it with out brain surgery. I truly am Thankful to the man upstairs. I know she was worried and I wanted to let her know that I love her and I knew she would be okay. Sister...you mean the world to me:). Just to back up a bit, we have a family history of brain anyurisms. We sadly lost my Mom to one over 20 years ago...and almost 3 years ago my younger sister had one that ruptured. I cannot begin to tell you how scarey that was...just to think we almost lost her brings so much pain to my heart. It is difficult to this day to even think about it. I love you too Baby Sister!!! (sniff-sniff)! God has blessed us with both of your lives. I am just thankful for all my family...my OLDEST sister and my 2 brothers too!!!! My wonderful husband that does so much for us and my beautiful children...that bring so much joy to my heart. They truly make my heart smile:) While I'm at it...I have the best mother-in-law (just a tad- bit opinionated) ..she is the best Grandma in the world. And I truly love and adore all my sister -in-laws(okay..my brother-in laws too)...my nieces & nephews (on both sides) and ALL my friends and my neighbors, that are truly some of my greatest friends...My Daddy...thanks for all you do. I am sure you are wondering...why I am so mushy (sp?) I was just having a bad day and a good friend told me that I was an "Inspiration"....me an Inspiration???? No one has ever said that to me... and I cannot tell you how much that meant to me. Thanks Mrs. SP!!!! So, her kind words and the recent events, inspired me to want to let you all know how much I love you and how THANKFUL and blessed I am that you are all in my life...