Tuesday, April 15, 2008
My Boys...

Posted by
michelle nicoloff
8:39 PM
Sunday, April 13, 2008
For the LOVELY Miss Amber...

Posted by
michelle nicoloff
11:10 PM
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Our New Chapter...
Where do I began...the picture is meant to be somewhat of a hint...but I have been told that not all people in Texas wear cowboy boots. Yes...you heard correctly TEXAS...we are moving to Austin, Texas. Am I sad? Oh yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Will I be okay? Eventually...I have not cried in about 5 days...that is a sign that God is answering my prayers. As I shared in my previous post, my dear husband just received his MBA and NOW he received an amazing opportunitty in Austin, which we just could not pass up. I recently visited Austin and I have to say it is beautiful!!!!!!!!! We looked at homes and I cannot express how excited I am about the space we will have....I will have my OWN office and possibly a small natural light studio...(maybe)...I really have not decided if I want it..but I could have one if I wanted.:) And we would have room for a pool...the kids are sooo excited about that. My oldest is having a hard time but he is coming around. Just the other day he asked if he could make 3 wishes they would be 1. to get a good hit in baseball 2. win first place in his DI competitionm 3. To be happy about moving . See...he is making progress...yay!!!! I have to say that I truly, TRULY believe with my whole heart that our move is Gods plan for our family....it has to be...I just know it. And it is my faith in him, that we will be okay in our new chapter in our life. Okay...so now I am crying! So keep us in your prayers for our new journey!
Thanks for looking!
p.s. the above image was taken and edited by the lovely Noel at Bosh Images. Isn't it cool???
Posted by
michelle nicoloff
8:14 PM