Never have I been so nervous on which images to show...let me explain. This beautiful family is my very very talented photography friend and I am not even sure what to say...I just hope she likes them.! Can I say how stressful it is to photograph another photographers family....VERY! LOL!!!! Luckily, my dear friend made it easy for me and I love her for that...and for many other reasons! Aren't they just adorable! Thank you 'B" family for allowing me to have some fun with you at the beach!
Thanks for looking!
Yipee! My first official family photo. You were so AMAZING, FUN, and it was like play time for us. We forgot what we came for, but left with what we needed. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I Love them, and I love you!
I have to say they turned out AMAZING!! What a beautiful job you did capturing the beauty and spirit of the "B" family. (Noel's sis and CJs proud auntie)
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