Sunday, May 4, 2008

I should have been packing...decluttering...but this was way more fun!

Okay so I was packing but I had to take a break last week to see what my kids were up to...and they seemed very content having their very own POOL Party. Who needs a real pool when you have storage!!!! I think we just might have saved the expense of building a pool in only problem is I do not think I will fit in the pool my kids have discovered!!!!! I also must mention that the only way I could get a group shot is if I joined them in a water fight...ofcourse I would do anything for a I agreed...but its not fair when you have "four" against "one". I have to say a water fight is alot more fun than packing!!!!

Thanks for peeking!


Anonymous said...

my god michelle look how big your oldest J is! I just can't believe it... I like the coloring in this pictures...!!!!! Your right water fights are much more fun! Keep on being the great mom that you are! Love you

Photographer said...

reminds me so much of my childhood. it is awesome that you encourage them to think outside the box, well in this case, inside the box.