Sunday, December 2, 2007

Tis the Season....

To be A D O R A B L E. Wow...I am so behind in blogging...I have so many images to share. I promise to have them up sometime this week. I am happy to say that I am swamped!!!!!! Thank you...Thank you and THANK YOU to all the families that chose me to photograph their beautiful families this season. I TRULY love my job. I feel so blessed to have the 2 best jobs...A MOMMY and a PHOTOGRAPHER.

This little guy I photograped while he was in his Mommy's tummy and as a little newborn. He is so darn beautiful. At the end of the session I got some special hugs and kisses from him. It melted my heart...I seriousely miss having a little one slobber all over me. I came home to ask my husband to have another child...I think he almost had a heart attack..hee-hee.

Thanks for looking!


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