Well for a few hours...3 times a week. My little BABY is off to pre-school..sniff-sniff!! It's hard to believe..I think I am still in shock!!!!!!!!! To be honest, I only teared up a little...another shocker...I thought for sure I would ball my eyes out. If you know Miss "J", you know she is attached at my hip, so I totally thought she would give me a hard time when I left her class. So much so, that I pre-warned the teacher. Well...I began my "Mommy is leaving and I will be back ( I promise) in a few hours...have fun and I love you". I gave her the TIGHT hug and I waited for the "Mommy, don't leave" and all crying that went with it. It DIDN'T HAPPEN!!!!!!!!!!! So then I thought, when she sees me at the door, it will hit her. Again...It DIDN'T HAPPEN. So of course, I had to ask for another hug and kiss....isn't awful...I wanted her to cry for me. I am pathetic!!!! Anyway, I finally made my way out of the classroom and I will admit I looked a few times, to see if she ran out to look for me. Hmm...I am sure you know the answer to that. I did take a 4th look and there she was, in a line with her new friends, skipping with her adorable smile. She saw me and waved and went on with her class! Now that I am writing this, I am feeling really sad because I am realizing she is growing up. I love my sweet baby!
Thanks for looking!
p.s. I just read this to "J" and she said " Mommy, we were going to the bathfroon (bathroom) and I wanted to give you another hug and kiss...but I couldn't". Sighhhh....my heart is so happy!!!!
1 comment:
Miss "J", Daddy is sooo proud of you! You are such a BIG girl who is so independent. I can't wait to help you with your first homework assignment.
Love Always,
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